SDG 3 in the newly renovated parliament
After four SDG Info Days in the Parliament's alternative quarters in the Hofburg Vienna, UniNEtZ was a guest for the first time in the newly renovated and recently opened High House. On January 31, 2023, the cooperation with the Austrian Parliament was continued with SDG 3 Health and Wellbeing.
Credit: Parlamentsdirektion/Johannes Zinner
Credit: Parlamentsdirektion/Johannes Zinner

Credit: Parlamentsdirektion/Johannes Zinner
In the foyer of the plenary hall, the members of parliament exchanged views with experts from the ten-member SDG 3 team of the Medical University of Innsbruck on the topics of healthy nutrition, plastic pollution and health, exercise in everyday life and health care. At stations in and around the foyer, the parliamentarians were able to measure their blood pressure and blood sugar, have an ultrasound examination performed on the carotid artery or look at microplastics through a microscope.
Credit: Parlamentsdirektion/Johannes Zinner
Credit: Parlamentsdirektion/Johannes Zinner
The interest in ensuring healthy lives for all people of all ages and promoting their well-being was clearly noticeable and visible at the SDG 3 Info Day - across all party lines.
More insights on the parliament day: